Spaceguard Refurbishment & Replacement Service
Our refurbishment service is a perfect solution for keeping your trusted equiptment in excellent condition and working order, it includes add ons, replacing parts such as worktops or conveyor rollers and more.
This service is not limited to Spaceguard equiptment only, we can evaluate your existing equiptment, then move forward with your requirements.
This service is not limited to Spaceguard equiptment only, we can evaluate your existing equiptment, then move forward with your requirements.
*Refurbished linoleum cutting table worktop
Pros of refurbishment
- Purchasing new equiptment may take more time and money, which could potentially halt productivity
- You like your existing equiptment but it needs some TLC
- Your equiptment works great and only needs parts replacing
- You want to add parts to your equiptment and need the right service to provide and install the parts
Learn more about our refurbishment service
Contact our knowledgable team with details about your equiptment and request
Call: 01482 363445 Email:
Andon Signal Lights Assembly Bench Ball Tables Barriers & Partitions Building Fit Out Cantilever Workbench Computer Workstations Conveyor Belt Cutting Tables Driven Roller Conveyor Education Space Electronics Workbenches ESD Workbenches Extra Heavy Duty Workbench Food Conveyors Gravity Roller Conveyor Heavy Duty Workbench Height Adjustable Workbench Horticulture Industrial Storage Shelving Industrial Workbenches Large Format Tables Lineshaft Conveyor Mezzanine Conveyor Mobile Workbench Modular Belt Conveyors Packing Benches Packing Conveyors Process Lines Roller Conveyor Rotary Table stainless steel conveyor Stainless Steel Workbench Walkway Barriers warehouse equipment Warehouse Trolleys Weigh Scales Workshop Workbenches